Montessori Centre Náměšť n.O., registered association, is a comprehensive educational system for children aged 1 to 6 years. It offers programs for parents with children (Montessori Club Poupě (Bud) - in Náměšť, Brno, Svinošice, and Valtice), short-term stays for children in a collective environment (Montessori Nursery – Poupě (Bud), Klíček (Sprout), Svinošice, Valtice, Brno), and full-day attendance of children in preschool education (Montessori Children's Group Lousáček (Nutcracker).
"Help me to do it myself!
Show me how it's done.
Don't do it for me.
I can and I want to do it myself."
MONTESSORI CLUB is intended for children aged 1 to 3 years and their parents. It provides a prepared environment that supports sensory, emotional, and physical development of children and is based on mutual respect. The club's essence is best captured by "We play consciously or The first steps towards Montessori education, so the child can DO EVERYTHING ON ITS OWN."
The Montessori Club offers many activities for children, promoting sensory education, practical life skills, mathematical and language abilities, and more. The materials in the club are divided into sections based on the area they focus on. The program accommodates a maximum of 8 parents with children at a time, ensuring an individual approach of the guide.
MONTESSORI NURSERY - children's group Jadérko (Core), Klíček, Svinošice, Valtice, Brno (for children aged 1.5 - 4 years without parents' presence) - is a gradual introduction of children to a collective without parents, preparing them for future entry into preschool education. Children can spend 1-8 hours (depending on the chosen group) there. They are in a prepared Montessori environment with individual and group activities, spend time outdoors, get familiar with hygiene and eating habits, etc., accompanied by 2 guides (one of whom has medical training). The maximum number is 9-12 children.
CHILDREN'S GROUP LOUSKÁČEK ("kindergarten") - for
children aged 3-6 years, following Montessori principles. We offer
half-day/full-day attendance in a prepared environment with a wide
range of didactic materials for ages 3-6. The daily capacity is a
maximum of 12 children with 2-3 pedagogical staff (depending on the
current number of children). Children are in a mixed-age group (3-6
years), which positively influences their social integration. Younger
children learn skills from the older ones, and older children
naturally assist the younger ones in certain tasks and activities.
Programme includes various outings, excursions, theaters, educational
trips, and much more. An integral part of the programme is ongoing
preschool preparation and diagnostics (speech therapy, school
readiness, etc.), parents meetings, and lectures/practical workshops
for parents.
Montessori education sees the child as a fully-fledged individual to be accompanied on the journey to independence, respecting their desire to learn and "do it on their own."
We assist the child in caring for themselves and their surroundings.
We provide opportunities for the child to concentrate in a prepared environment and work with their hands.
We prepare tools and an environment tailored to their needs.
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Celý kurz první pomoci je zaměřen hlavně na prožitkovou výuku, kde si vše vyzkoušíte na vlastní kůži.
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