How it works in a Montessori children's group

The daily routine of a child in a children's group
- The parent enters the changing room with the child. While the child is getting undressed and changing into indoor shoes, the parent stays in the changing room with them. Afterwards, they say goodbye and hand the child over to the guide. If necessary, the parent provides any important information about the child's condition—such as their current mood, any changes in the family, when the child will be picked up, etc. Entry is permitted no earlier than 5 minutes before the class opens.
- In the changing room, the child practises independence in dressing, folding and putting away their clothes, and changing shoes.
- Great attention is given to the child's self-care at the toilet. In the kitchenette, the child practises basic habits related to dining, food preparation, and cleaning up. They wash, dry, and tidy away used dishes.
- The largest part of the programme is dedicated to practical activities. Subsequently, the child is introduced to working with educational materials in the areas of senses refining, mathematics, language, and the world around us.
- At the ellipse, the children gather for a themed programme.
- The children explore objects and their functions, learn about plants and observe their growth, and are interested in the lives of animals and people.
- The child acquires individual skills through independent work and learns to collaborate with the skills they have gained. They take care of their environment, learn to respect themselves and others, and recognise and accept the diverse expressions of their peers in a mixed-age group of boys and girls.
- After dressing independently with the guidance of the teacher, the children go outside, where they have space for physical activities and exploring their surroundings. We go outside in all weather.
- After lunch or the end of the programme, the parent collects the child at the entrance door. We kindly ask for punctuality.
- The parent leaves the children's group with the child. Please move quietly along the corridor. Bicycles and scooters should be used outside the building.
- Personal or consultation meetings (or a preview of the programme) can be arranged with Kateřina Hlavnová.
Daily schedule (for reference)
7:00 - 8:30 Arrival of the child, activities in the changing room and kitchenette.
7:00 - 9:00 Individual work with practical life materials as well as educational materials from other areas
9:00 - 9:30 Group themed programme, practising social and communication skills (ellipse)
9:30 - 10:00 Snack time and clean-up after the snack
10:00 - 11:45 Walk, outdoor activities in the garden and/or at the playground
11:45 - 12:30 Activities in the changing room, preparation for lunch, lunch, and clean-up of the kitchenette
12:30 - 12:45 Departure of children who go home after lunch. Preparation for rest
12:45 - 13:30 Rest for younger children, relaxation for older children, and activities for preschoolers
14:00 - 14:30 Snack time
14:30 - 16:30 Individual activities, group activities - arts and crafts, children's experiments, drama education, music and dance education, etc.
16:30 - 17:00 Clean-up of materials, care for the classroom, and departure of children home